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Screech Owl


Kim Alexander sent this week’s photo and writes, “I saw this owl sticking his head out of his den in a tree outside my window here in Avon.” Jay Kaplan, director at Roaring Brook Nature Center in Canton, tells us, “The eastern screech owl is our most common small owl and can be found throughout the Farmington Valley. They tend to avoid mature forest areas where there may be larger barred or great horned owls, but can be found instead in more developed areas and even in the centers of Avon, Collinsville and Simsbury. Screech owls come in three color phases – gray, red and an intermediate brown. The call is more reminiscent of a whinnying horse than a screech. If you have a photo of a critter that you’ve spotted locally, submit it for this segment to Include “Wild About Animals” and the animal spotted in the subject line, as well as your town of residence. All photos will be considered for publication.


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